Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wild Strawberry Season

Wild strawberry season is in full swing around our parts. Nothing says summer like those tiny sweet red berries. Our family loves foraging, as far as we are concerned it is like hiking with a purpose. We go out and explore and it allows you to connect with the land in deeper and more meaningful way, as well as forcing you to really open your eyes and see your surroundings. At different times of year we forage things like miner's lettuce, fiddleheads, dandelions and acorns. For children of course, the gold standard is any type of berries. The first wild strawberries are the start of that season. They are followed by Blackcap Raspberries, Trailing Blackberries, Himalayan Blackberries and Huckleberries.

The little thimble sized berries hiding on the forest floor.

The first of many handfuls, with some not quite ripe ones courtesy of my helpers.

Sticky fingers, and of course sticky mouths, at the end of the day!


  1. Beautiful! Just found your site through HOMEGROWN and look forward to seeing more. My husband and I just moved across the country from the east coast and are about to embark on a similar adventure, albeit 21 acres, not 400! Perhaps we can share our learning curve, although it seems you are settling in quite well!

  2. Tara, thanks for visiting! I'd love to share our adventures, isn't it exciting to follow your dreams. I figure you only live once, I'd rather take a chance and do something special.

    1. It is amazing to break from the norm and begin to lead a life that is so satisfying. We have a lot of work to do on the property (don't even get me started on the house)but we are at least beginning to blog about it...
      Please stay in touch, would love to hear more of the adventure!
